start with a bowl


Make these eggs

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Breakfast is my favourite meal. 

I eat it all day long – seriously, today I have only eaten breakfast foods. Maybe that’s why I’ve been posting a lot about breakfast lately. While I recently advocated for beans and dark leafy greens to start the day – and I still stand by that – there are lots of other breakfast foods that taste great any time of the day.


When I got back from walking the dog I made scrambled eggs.  Not an omelette, not a fried egg on toast.  Nothing fancy, just scrambled eggs.  But my scrambled aren’t boring, they are divine.  DIVINE! 

Julia Child's scrambled eggs

How you ask?  Julia Child taught me how to make them. I used to make scrambled eggs the regular way:  crack eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper and then whip the bejesus out of them until they are frothy (bejesus is a very technical term).  Add milk or cream. Then heat a greased pan to medium high, pour the eggs in, move them about quickly with a spatula trying not to burn them, cook them till they are fairly dry, put them on plate and breakfast is ready.

mylifeinfrancecoverAbout 7 years ago I read Julia Child’s biography ‘My Life in  France.’   It’s a wonderful book and I highly recommend it, but pages 60-61 stopped me in my tracks.  She describes how she was taught to make scrambled eggs at Le Cordon Bleu. 

I know, I know.  How can there be a method so revolutionary?!  How can it make such a difference??? But it does.  IT DOES.  So, since I am on this ‘eat breakfast all day long’ jag, I have to share the method.  So, the next time you are making scrambled eggs, I ask you, I entreat you, I implore you, to try this method:


*Note – I recommend free range eggs.  Eggs from a local farmer are even better.  Not only is it the ethical choice, they taste WAY better.  Seriously.

eggs1 eggs 2Crack your eggs in a bowl. With a fork, very gently blend the yolks together with the whites.  And don’t fully blend them.  Leave small pockets of whites and yolk.  Add a dash of salt and pepper at this point, if you like, or leave the seasoning till the end.

Very lightly grease a pan with butter on the bottom and sides and heat on low heat.  (If you’re using good non-stick you barely need any butter)





Gently pour in the eggs. eggs in pan


Seriously, wait. 



Don’t stir them.  Don’t shake the pan. Wait for the eggs to thicken to a custard consistency (around the three minute mark.)  At that point using a fork or spatula, move the eggs together.  Work fairly quickly. Pull the pan off the burner if they are getting stiff.  You want them to be a bit loose. 

eggspan1 eggspan2eggspan3

Then, with the pan off the heat, add some cream, or butter, or crème fraiche, or cheese…whatever you wish.  Plate up your eggs, season them (salt, pepper, parsley) if desired. 

scrambledeggs2 scrambledeggs3scrambledeggs1scrambledeggs4

These eggs are tender and mouth-watering.  They are life changing.  (Ok, maybe that’s a bit much, but they will make you happy.) This method teaches you to be gently with your ingredients.  The simple egg is a perfect ingredient.  It barely needs any help.  Just let it sing.

breakfasteggsjulia child

Amy • November 20, 2016

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  1. Sarah Neville November 21, 2016 - 2:26 pm

    I read this and right away had to make them. So I did. Delish!!! Thanks again, Amy!

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