start with a bowl

Bon Appétit May 2001, Special Collector’s Edition:  Paris

I have issues – of food magazines

Food magazines are funny things.  On the cover is a picture of a beautiful dish that draws you in.  You want to make it…you NEED to make it.  You plunk down the $5.99CDN and go home inspired.  And then next month there is another issue.  Another dish you NEED to make.  Maybe instead of just…

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Bon Appétit May 2001, Special Collector’s Edition:  Paris

I have issues – of food magazines

Food magazines are funny things.  On the cover is a picture of a beautiful dish that draws you in.  You want to make it…you NEED to make it.  You plunk down the $5.99CDN and go home inspired.  And then next month there is another issue.  Another dish you NEED to make.  Maybe instead of just…

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